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What Are Your Authentic Gifts?

Mar 20, 2022

Do you know what your authentic gifts are? And are you aligning yourself with them to push your self and your business to higher levels?

If you said no. Or if you said I don't know. Or even if you said yes! What if you could take those secret super powers and catapult your business from the daily grind and create a fun, light, natural flow that DRIVES you to achieve your highest goals. It ENERGIZES you just to think about it because your work now fulfills you at your deepest soul levels.

How amazing would that be if you jumped out of bed each day and happily sit down at your desk with your tea or coffee and you review your day ahead with a smile. Because you are in the power seat, intending what you want to do each and every day creating exactly what you want! All while helping, serving, and growing. 

If this sounds interesting to you or you'd like to take things to a deeper level then you will LOVE our new workshop Discover your Authentic Gifts for Success You can find more...

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Day Dreaming is Preparation

Mar 13, 2022
Where do you find your thoughts drifting to on a daily basis? Did you know that day dreaming is actually preparing for whatever it is that you are thinking about? Did you know that whatever you allow yourself to day dream about is also creating that reality for your brain? That your brain cannot tell the difference between a dreamy thought vs. reality? That your brain will literally go to work preparing as if that day dream is REAL? 
Knowing this is powerful. This is the power of manifesting. This is how those who truly BELIEVE in themselves can truly achieve anything. They day dream about that reality and then use the power of their brain to figure out how to create that reality in real life. Everything aligns to create the outcome that you intend on. 
Be careful what you allow yourself to think about and be mindful about clearing negative thoughts because it will literally create more negative realities.
Creating healthy day dreaming habits can help...
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Discover Your Authentic Gifts for Success - Master Class

Mar 11, 2022

We are very excited to share this upcoming master class with you. You will leave with the clarity that you never knew you needed on how to create more success that aligns with YOU! The best part about it is when you Lead With You your light shines through and you will easily attract and complete any goal you set. 

Have you ever felt like finding success in your business has always been an uphill battle?

Do you cringe at the thought of marketing or selling yourself or your business even though you know this is exactly what you need to do to create success for yourself? 

Have you been dreaming about creating the success you want in an easy way that brings you joy and fulfillment?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable doing some aspects of your work and wondered if there was a better way that will create a successful outcome?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions than you will love this master class. We are meeting March 24, 2022 for our first master...

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Refine Your Business Image

Feb 27, 2022

Have you always wanted to revise your business image to better fit your business in today's market? Refine Your Business Image may be the perfect guide for you. In this easy step by step guide you will have created your unique value proposition, refined your bios and your professional image. 

This new workshop was created to assist my team and now it is available in either LIVE workshop or 24/7 access at your own pace. This is the perfect course to add to your library so you can review the steps annually as the landscape shifts our business image should to. 

You can learn more about this new business guide here! 

Lead With You Business Tools

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Negotiating New Construction - New Course!

Feb 23, 2022

We are releasing an expansion of our popular Selling New Construction class called Negotiating New Construction. There are so many details to discuss before, during and after the sale. And there are opportunities to negotiate for your clients best interests.

We cover when and why you would find ways to protect and guide your client and when it is normal or not normal to negotiate. Many times there are situations that pop up during the building process that many assume would be a time to negotiate - when in fact it is a normal part of the process. We discuss the times when it is not normal and when you should stand up for your client and get them what they signed up for. 

Look out for an upcoming live class and future release for learning at your own pace! 

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Lead With Go! Mastermind

Feb 22, 2022

Join our Lead With Go Community as we all mastermind around ways to complete goals.

Lead With Go is the ultimate accountability community! If you are in need of motivation, and inspiration to get everything you want. This is the place to be! Join us for commitment, accountability, support and business tips so you can achieve any goal that you have. As a member of Lead With Go we will meet via zoom for Live Masterminds on achieving goals. We will follow our easy 4 step system on getting any goal you set.
The Lead With Go mastermind includes;
  • Community Group where we can share and network
  • Lead With Go - 4 Step Goal Achieving Framework Course
  • Weekly Accountability Inspiration and Motivation
  • Resources including business, finance, marketing & sales tips


Lead With Go officially kicks off in March of 2022. Look out for more information so you can be one of the first inaugural members and start hitting your goals faster than ever before.

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Selling New Construction Online Course Release 2022!

Feb 15, 2022

Since 2011 the course Selling New Construction has been taught in a live class room setting only. Whether it was in person or in a live zoom class students have raved over the amount of information that they received from this class. The information shared is obtained from almost a decade of selling new construction as a new home consultant working for home builders as well as another decade of experience as a licensed agent and broker.

After starting a team Jessica wanted to teach her agents about the best practices when selling new construction so she wrote this course for them. After becoming an TREC approved education provider this course became approved for 3 hours of CE credit in Texas. Jessica began teaching the class live however with a limited schedule realized this course would be best utilized if offered in an on demand format. 

Well good news! Selling New Construction will now be available for 24-7 access so the student can learn in a convenient modern...

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It Always Starts with You!

Jan 31, 2021

Have you ever wondered how certain people seem like everything is coming up flowers and roses? Does it ever make you feel a bit insecure about where you are on your journey? 

Yea... welcome to the club! We all go through it at certain times in our lives, and in certain areas of our lives. Imposter Syndrome. Nobody likes it. Nobody wants it. So how do you get rid of it - as fast as possible! 

It all starts with you. You decide what, when and where your thoughts go. Decide today - I am done with that lower level thinking! I am fabulously and imperfectly perfect and I have many unique gifts. It is time to say my talents are here for a reason. Its time to shine!

Believe in yourself and stand in your power of beautiful bright dreams. Let everyone know what your dreams are! Don't hide them or play small anymore. It is time to show up the way you always wanted to. 

It all starts with you. 

Welcome to our community goddess!


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